Database Abstraction Layer for MySQL using PHP
0% fat and extremely easy to use. Only connect to database when needed.
Examples and documentation at: http://docs.dalmp.com
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/nbari/DALMP.git dalmp
To Install visit http://docs.dalmp.com/en/latest/Install.html
Many thanks Navicat for supporting Open Source projects.
- Dependecy Injector (DI) support, load once, trigger when required.
- APC, Disk, Memcache, Redis.io cache support.
- Group caching cache by groups and flush by groups or individual keys.
- Prepared statements ready, support dynamic building queries, auto detect types (i,d,s,b).
- Secure connections with SSL.
- SQLite3 Encryption.
- Save sessions in database (mysql/sqlite) or a cache like redis/memcache/apc.
- Easy to use/install/adapt.
- Support connections via unix_sockets.
- SQL queues.
- Export to CSV.
- Trace/measure everything enabling the debugger.
- Works out of the box with Cloud databases like Amazon RDS or Google cloud.
- Lazy database connection. Connect only when needed.
- PSR-0 compliance.
- PHP >= 5.4
- A MySQL server to connect via host or unix sockets.
To use the cache features you need either the redis, memcache or APC extensions compiled, otherwise disk cache will be used.
- Redis extension - http://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis
- Memcache PECL extencsion - http://pecl.php.net/package/memcache
- APC PECL extension - http://pecl.php.net/package/APC
If you want to store session encrypted then you need SQLite3 Encryption http://sqlcipher.net.
DALMP does not use PDO, so do not worry if your PHP does not have the pdo extension.
On FreeBSD you can install DALMP from ports: /usr/ports/databases/dalmp